Export Business
Export Business

Ships and Barges

DU-HOPE Group 離西takes ships and ship supplies as我了 the bulk export bus熱來iness. So far, the Company has buil土頻t and exported more than 1000 ships o票長f various typesto the countries an吧男d regions such as Southeast 微微Asia, Japan, Eur拿舞ope, America, Africa, Tai能友wan and Hong Kong商山.With rich p通秒ractical exper亮技ience in the businesses of站內 ship design, building, ex市藍port&import, strong financ吧好ial strength高熱 and financing ability, the Compan劇又y is able to design and bu章我ild the followi場在ng types of high-quality ships accordin我公g to the specifications o又子f classification 讀暗society rules such as French BV, Amer兒地ican ABS, Norwegian DN跳答V, Lloyd's L章大R, Japanese NK and Chinese CCS靜秒.Oil tankers, liquefied g年間as carriers, chemical tankers, 人光roll-on-roll-off shi南鄉p, multi-purpose bu場可lk carriers, container ship,們多 large floating dry docks, semi知為-submersible ship, multi-pur算業pose refrigerator ship, dredgers,月筆 fishing ship, passenger l日術iners, coastal an秒愛d full-turning tugs, 你算pushing ship, ferries, engi那工neering ship, 工機various types of ba答市rges.In addition, the Company also匠的 provides various s個購hip supplies a算子ccording to the clients’ requi員水rements.

  • Ships and Barges
  • Ships and Barges
  • Ships and Barges
  • Ships and Barges
  • Ships and Barges
  • Ships and Barges
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